Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why Flipped Classrooms are Here to Stay

This article was basically about flipping the classroom around. You do lectures that you would do in class for homework, and hand on activities and homework in class! The article talks about a school that tried it out in their science class and it had wonderful results that they saw in the classroom and on test grades. I think this is an amazing technique! By the time children reach middle school, especially high school, they are burnt out. They are just done and over with learning and want to sleep the whole class day away. If they already know that they are going to be working on in class ahead of time from watching the lecture at home then they know what to expect and are excited to do something hands one that they will probably encounter again in the real world! I do not think this would work to well for all subject areas, but for science it is obviously perfect. It changes up the learning and gives the teacher and children more time to interact with each other.

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