Thursday, June 21, 2012

Digital Citizenship

The article on digital citizenship is abou the nine themes of it. The nine themes include digital access, digital commerce, digial commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights & responsibilities, digital health & wellness, and ditigtal security. The article describes each theme in detail and gives exapmles that fall under each theme. I think that digital citizenship is definitely something that we need to be teaching in our schools at a very early age. It would give children the opportunity to use everything digital that they have access to to it's full potential. They would be using it properly and if they used it improperly they would know and would be responsible for it. These nine elements are all important things to know in this decade when were using all sources of information. My favorite was the health and wellness, it even addresses eye safety! Were living in a technological world and it is best that are children know the proper and safe way to use it to their full advantage as early as possible!

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