Thursday, June 28, 2012

Educator's Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

This article describes cyberbullying and cyberthreats. It defines them and gives the different types of cyberbullying, and it also reminds school officials that what they think might be a threat they need to remember that children do joke, have rumors, or set up. It tells you that cyberbullying or cyberthreats material could be text or images and they could be posted anywhere or on anything. The impact of cyber bullying is also mentioned in the article. It gives a great definition of bullies, targets, and the bystander, which are very important to know about so that you can distinguish which one is which. I really like this article, it is a little too long and to detailed, it is very important information that all educators should be well informed of so that they have help students who may be at a disadvantage and are being bullied. This is definitely something every educator should have to read before being put in a school environment.

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